I had the pleasure of getting together with an old college friend that I hadn't talked to in a year so we had time to have a nice chat and catch up and all the while she filled me in on the benefits of raw food, enzymes, supplements, wheat grass, etc. It was very enlightening...Zzzzzzzz! No, seriously, it WAS interesting, just a bit much for the first visit. I was still processing the fact that I was eating 'RAW SUSHI' which in actuality only had the ingredient of nori (seaweed) to hold in all of the raw veggies and sprouts that filled it. Not quite the sushi I'm used to consuming - but tasty! REALLY!!
We also tried the Chik sandwich, non-chicken, of course! It came on a basic whole grain bun and is a sure bet for the skeptic - along with the vegan hamburger or hotdog! But I have to say my absolute favorite was the vegan burrito. Instead of a heavy tortilla, it is wrapped in romaine and the interior was filled with grains that were ground into a paste that had an incredible flavor. I could've eaten this for dinner, too!
On a sad note, the signature sandwich comes on homemade onion bread that wasn't ready yet and wouldn't be for another hour...it was 1 pm when we arrived... hmmmm. But, the green smoothie chock-full of veggies and fruits was very good, although I must admit, I just tasted it and proceeded to order the green tea with ginger which I thoroughly enjoyed!
I must apologize for the lack of pics (sorry C!), I suppose my only excuse was getting caught up with my friend and forgetting my duties! I will work on that and try not to let it happen again!
So, for tonight, go RAW!!
Cook mine!